Grace Fellowship is rooted in loving God and loving people.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind. And, love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27
We reach out to the community with monthly food distributions. We also bring healing for the body and the soul, bringing hope to our city and the nations.
Reaching out, loving people.

Chariot of Light is a Christian Motorcycle Ministry. Our purpose is to reach people for Jesus Christ. We enjoy our time of fellowship with other bikers and organize outreaches at motorcycle rallys and festivals. Though we are a motorcycle ministry it is not necessary to own a bike to belong, just a hunger to reach people for Jesus.
For more information our website is www.chariotsoflight.com or call Pastor Randy Riblet @ 502-419-3530.
Solomon's Pantry currently serves Fairdale, Ky the last Saturday of each month. We are people loving people.
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